How to help the elderly avoid loneliness

Rebecca Tilby, Registered Manager at Katherine Harriet Ltd looks at How to help the elderly avoid loneliness.

Elderly people are much more vulnerable to social isolation and loneliness, and this can seriously impact their


There are lots of different ways elderly people can enjoy life and improve their physical health and mental health

with others around them.

Loneliness is more common among the older generation because their home might once have been a spot thriving

with people and activities, children running around and visitors coming in and out the door. As children and

grandchildren grow up and start their own families, this can leave them feeling alone and isolated.

Below are some ways elderly people can avoid loneliness:

Stay in Touch – It is best to see people in person but sometimes that is not always possible. A great way to stay in

constant communication with other family members and friends is by using smart devices and phones. Smart tablets

are good for the elderly as they are much bigger than smartphones but more portable than laptops/computers.

With smart devices, older people can join Facebook groups to meet local people the same age as them, video call

family and friends and contact people anywhere in the world, instantly.

Community Volunteering – If able, helping others is a great way to feel less lonely and give back to the community.

By volunteering in the local community, it can help to involve elderly people in activities and meet new people in the

areas around them.

Join a Group – There are many ways for elderly people to join groups. This could be an online group through social

media or a group in person. The local library is a great place to find out what groups there are in the local

community. This also includes courses aimed at the older generation, such as basic computer courses.

Eating Out – Eating out can be scheduled monthly or even weekly to catch up with family and friends, whether it is a

small afternoon tea or a full three-course meal, eating out is a great way to socialise and indulge in lots of new

restaurants and good food!

Share a meal – Older, isolated people often need a hand cooking for themselves, so why not take around an extra

plate of hot home-cooked food or a frozen portion they can heat up or microwave?

As well as being practical, it’s a nice way to share your time with a neighbour.

Fitness Centre – Joining a gym or a fitness centre, can encourage good physical health and mental health. Lots of

fitness centres have many different classes and groups that are aimed at elderly people.

Staying socially and physically active is great for helping maintain relationships and is an important part of growing


Community Centres – Lots of local centres have engaging and fun activities for elderly people to participate in. This

is a great way to get out of the house, do something fun and make new friends.

Help with household tasks –Getting older can make it hard to tackle even simple jobs around the house.

4th December 2023 Rebecca Tilby


Rebecca Tilby / Registered Manager

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